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Hey There

"...I tell you the truth, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move..."

Matthew 17:20


The Mustard Seed Library began out of the observation that children want to learn and grow spiritually, but we don’t always know where to start and what is available.

We offer a digital resource library of items that incorporate the Bible or were made with a Christian worldview. We don't provide recommendations or reviews of products, however we do have many of these items on hand to assist you in deciding if an item is a good fit for you or your little mountain mover.


In addition to our resource library we now offer worship notebooks for kids and Bible Activity books created by our team! We offer physical and digital versions and digital samples for you to try out!


The last thing we offer is Bible inspired goods created or carefully chosen by our team as well as tools to assist with Bible study, such as highlighters, tabs, and sticky notes.


We're so excited you've found us, one of the best ways to stay up to date with all that's happening is to follow us on Instagram and Facebook! We regularly share updates on products including giveaways, as well as feature items from our physical library.

If you have a question, request, or a suggestion for our resource lists please contact us!

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